Renato Giacosa was born in Gavirate, in the province of Varese, on March 5, 1954, into a family of notaries. He inherited a genuine passion for law from his grandfather, Gianluigi, and his father, Gino.
In the early 1900s, Gianluigi Giacosa established the firm in Gavirate. His son Gino, a brilliant professional, continued and expanded his father’s practice in Milan, where he gained recognition thanks to his professional skills and personal qualities.
Inspired by his father’s capabilities and professionalism, Renato decided to pursue an education that would allow him to continue the family legacy.
He began his education at the Leone XIII Institute in Milan. After completing his classical high school education, he earned his Law degree from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. He immediately joined his father’s practice, dedicating himself to learning from his father’s experience.
Renato has been a notary since 1986, initially in Turin and then in Busto Arsizio. He has been a notary in Milan since 1993.
In the Milan district, he was involved in the establishment of the Lombardy School of Notaries, serving as a lecturer in general contract law.
An expert in structured finance, real estate, and corporate law, he has personally handled – and continues to handle – numerous transactions with significant public and private sector operators.
He is a member of the Lombardy Regional Disciplinary Commission (Co.Re.Di.).